
I am so mad this didn't make it on the album!

I'm always calling Eleckrik Red the reincarnation of Vanity 6 and darnit if this song doesn't have a sample from "Makeup" in it? Darn them for cutting it.

And darnit if I didn't find another awesome unreleased track...sad times...I still like the album though.


Current obsession-Stephen Sondheim

I'm including the instrumentals..it's the little things about these songs that get me...

"Most Popular song"

Follow the Path


Sometimes I have to switch it up on you...

Natalya dancing to this song:

Haife Wehbe version:


Classical/World/MT Musician any real musician should listen to-Kurt Weill

It is becoming increasingly difficult for me to pick one composer per month! I might pick two or pick one every week from now on...I'm not sure yet. There is so much music to be listened to!This week's music nerd's showcase(:))is a spotlight on Kurt Weill. Weill was a 20th century composer of many works, most prominently,stage works.Some of your favorite songs were probably influenced by him. Including The Doors' "Alabama Song" which was originally in the Songspiel Mahagonny and subsequent opera "The Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny." Also, note:Weill plus Brecht equals amazing songs. Read more about Kurt Weill here.

My favorite Weill song...I need to find Sarah Vaughan's version and post it...it is perfect, but this one is pretty good.



Band(s) of the Week June 29-July 4,2009-DHUNDEE and Taylor Mcferrin

I've been in a stupor since MJJ died so sorry for the lack of updates! Anyway,since there was no BOTW last week(cuz MJ is artist of the millennium),there are two this week.First Artistof the week this week is DHUNDEE. I ADORE his music man. He is really talented. I want to sing for him!Call me!Check him out here and here.

Second Artist of the week is Taylor McFerrin(last name sound familiar?).He's awesome!Check him out here and here.